AABP Integrative Pain Care and Wellness

Joint Pain Specialists

Joint Pain services offered throughout New York

Inflammation, joint breakdown, and injuries can all lead to joint pain that slows you down or even stops you in your tracks. At AABP Integrative Pain Care, with offices in the Bensonhurst neighborhood in Brooklyn, along with White Plains, New York, the team of board-certified anesthesiology and pain medicine experts provides cutting-edge treatment alternatives that relieve your pain without surgery. Find out how they can help with your joint pain by scheduling a consultation online, or call the office nearest you now.

Joint Pain Q & A

What are the symptoms of joint pain?

Joint pain can vary with the person affected, but some common symptoms in and around the affected joint include:

  • Deep soreness
  • Sharp pain
  • Swelling
  • Warmth
  • Reduced flexibility
  • Locking or freezing as you move
  • Clicking feeling or sound
  • Weakness
  • Instability

Joint damage may cause not only pain and related issues but also life-altering problems like 

difficulty climbing stairs, walking, or doing other normal daily activities. 

What causes joint pain?

Disease, injuries, and degenerative age-related changes can all affect your joints, leading to joint pain. Two common causes include:


The most common specific cause of joint pain is osteoarthritis, which happens when the cartilage caps on the ends of your bones start to break down and wear away. Then, the bones of your joint rub together, leading to pain and discomfort.

Rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis, an autoimmune and inflammatory condition, is another cause of joint pain. It occurs when your immune system attacks the membrane lining your joints. This leads to severe inflammation and physical changes in the joint. Joint deformity is common with rheumatoid arthritis.

Other types of arthritis, fractures, dislocations, injuries to the tissue around the joint, and other conditions can all cause joint pain as well. 

How is joint pain treated?

AABP Integrative Pain Care and Wellness starts with a proper diagnosis. This generally involves a physical exam, medical history review, discussion of all your symptoms, and imaging tests like X-ray, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computerized tomography (CT) scan, and a bone scan. 

Using all the assembled information, the team explains the different treatment options and helps you to choose the ones that work best for you. Most people use an integrative approach to joint pain management, which may involve multiple modalities. Some of the many options available include:

  • Physical therapy
  • Mind-body practices like altered focus meditation
  • Steroid and anesthetic injections (epidural steroid injections, nerve blocks, and others)
  • Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections
  • Bone marrow aspirate concentrate
  • Viscosupplementation: Hyaluronic acid injections 
  • Radiofrequency ablation
  • iovera°: Tissue freezing for osteoarthritis in the knee

Spinal cord stimulation (SCS), intrathecal pain pumps, or other advanced pain management options may be an option if more conservative methods don’t work for you. 

At AABP Integrative Pain Care, the team focuses on reducing or ending joint pain while also preventing damage progression. They’re happy to work with you to customize a pain relief plan, so call the office nearest you or book an appointment online now.