AABP Pain Physicians- Organizing Workshops here and Abroad!

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Dr. Rosenblum travels to Jerusalem to give a course at the Hadassah Pain Clinic on October 30, 2022 to teach Regional Anesthesia and Ultrasound Guided Interventional Pain Procedures.

David Rosenblum, MD Course Director for NRAP Academy and International Pain Academy reviews commonly performed interventional pain procedures for a variety of painful pathologies. This includes the genicular nerve blocks for chronic knee pain, the axillary nerve block for chronic shoulder pain and possible peripheral nerve stimulation trial, the ultrasoudn guided caudal epidural steroid injection which would be ideal to perform in the setting of an epidural kit shortage, contrast allergy or in pregnancy.

Phsyicians can register for his courses via this link.

Anyone interested in learning more about Pain Management can listen to Dr. Rosenblum's PainExam podcast.