Back Pain Specialists

Joint Pain services offered throughout New York

Back pain is one of the most common pain problems the AABP Integrative Pain Care team treats. They take an integrative and holistic approach to back pain, developing plans that provide long-term relief. To get relief from your back pain, call the office in the Bensonhurst neighborhood in Brooklyn, NYC, or the office in White Plains, New York.

Back Pain Q & A

What is back pain?
Back pain is any discomfort that affects the back. Though the pain may affect any area in the back, it most often occurs in the lower back, the lumbar spine.
The type of pain you feel may range from a dull, annoying ache to electric shock-like pain that shoots down your leg. Your back pain may last a few days, a few weeks, or go on for months or years.
What causes back pain?
You can develop back pain from an injury, overuse, or an underlying medical problem. Common causes of back pain include:

Sprains and strains
Bulging or herniated disc
Vertebral compression fractures
Ankylosing spondylitis
Degenerative disc disease (DDD)
Radiculopathy — pinched nerve
Spinal stenosis ― narrowing in the spinal canal
Facet joint pain
Failed back surgery syndrome (FBSS)
Myofascial pain
Though back pain most often affects the lower back, if you have pain in the mid back, you may have a vertebral compression fracture. People with osteoporosis are at greater risk of developing these types of fractures.

What can I expect during a back pain evaluation? You can expect a patient-centered exam when you visit AABP Integrative Pain Care for a back pain evaluation. The team understands how back pain affects many aspects of your life and focuses on your whole health, not your pain or diagnosis.

During your evaluation, your provider reviews your symptoms and the activities that worsen the pain. They discuss your daily routine, usual diet, and medical history.
Your provider performs a physical exam, paying close attention to the structure and movement of your spine to help pinpoint the source of your pain.

Your provider may request X-rays, CT scans, an MRI, or an ultrasound to confirm or rule out a cause that might explain your back pain. How is back pain treated?

The team at AABP Integrative Pain Care customizes your back pain treatment plan based on the cause and severity of your pain, your overall health, and your usual activities.
Back pain treatment at AABP Integrative Pain Care includes:
Activity modification
Physical therapy
Nutrition therapy
Posture therapy
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
Cortisone shots
Trigger point injections
Epidural injections
Nerve blocks
Radiofrequency ablation
Peripheral nerve stimulators
Bone marrow aspirate
Minimally invasive lumbar decompression (MILD®) surgery

The experts at AABP Integrative Pain Care use ultrasound-guided imaging when performing interventional pain treatments like epidural injections and nerve blocks.
Regardless of how common it is, back pain can affect your physical and emotional well-being. For expert back pain care from a highly skilled team, call AABP Integrative Pain Care or schedule a consultation online at the office nearest you today.